
Weekly recap — 3 July 2023
by Alexandre Prokoudine

Major releases of darktable and Blender, Ardour gets tempo mapping to performance

Week recap — 29 December 2019
by Alexandre Prokoudine

darktable 3.0.0 release and beta release of MyPaint 2.0, major updates of Kdenlive and FlowBlade

Weekly-ish recap — 25 March 2019
by Alexandre Prokoudine

New releases of FontForge, Scribus, darktable, Qtractor, and Radium

Weekly-ish recap — 19 March 2019
by Alexandre Prokoudine

Technical preview of Krita 4.2.0 with HDR displays support on Windows 10 is out

Week recap — 18 February 2019
by Alexandre Prokoudine

GEGL is getting its own node compositing tool

The quest for sustainable free/libre non-linear video editors
by Alexandre Prokoudine

How can we actually support free/libre projects for filmmakers?

Week recap — 18 November 2018
by Alexandre Prokoudine

Inkscape starts exploring multithreaded canvas rendering

Week recap — 11 November 2018
by Alexandre Prokoudine

ArmorPaint got unlimited undo support and better FBX importer

Week recap — 4 November 2018
by Alexandre Prokoudine

New version of QGIS released with 3D and animation features