
Weekly recap — 10 July 2023
by Alexandre Prokoudine

New releases of GIMP, Godot and Armory3D, Ardour gets freehand automation drawing

Weekly recap — 5 March 2023
by Alexandre Prokoudine

New releases of GIMP and Godot, new features in Krita and Inkscape

Week recap — 10 February 2020
by Alexandre Prokoudine

New releases of RawTherapee, Cinelerra, and OpenShot available, the Krita team is fixing unit tests, there are even more UX fixes in GIMP, there have been major Godot news, the enve developer is unstoppable!

Week recap — 10 December 2019
by Alexandre Prokoudine

OpenTimelineIO is getting a Kdenlive adapter

Weekly-ish recap — 19 March 2019
by Alexandre Prokoudine

Technical preview of Krita 4.2.0 with HDR displays support on Windows 10 is out

Week recap — 14 October 2018
by Alexandre Prokoudine

Microsoft is granting access to 60,000+ patents including type design ones

Week recap — 7 October 2018
by Alexandre Prokoudine

New major releases of Valentina and G’MIC are available