Introducing Olive, new non-linear video editor
by Alexandre ProkoudineWhy this new free/libre video editor is a big deal
The quest for sustainable free/libre non-linear video editors
by Alexandre ProkoudineHow can we actually support free/libre projects for filmmakers?
ProEXR creator comes up with MOX, new open file format for movie production
by Alexandre ProkoudineBrendan Bolles launched an IndieGoGo campaign to sponsor creating MOX — a new open source movie format for video and film production.
Axiom Beta, open digital cinema camera, funded on IndieGoGo
by Alexandre ProkoudineThe Apertus team has just reached the 100K euro milestone in the crowdfunding campaign that should bring Axiom, their new open digital camera, to the masses.
Pitivi’s fundraiser: out of the NLE hell on Linux?
by Alexandre ProkoudineDevelopers of Pitivi are trying to raise 35,000 euro to complete the stable release of this non-linear video editor. What are the benefits of supporting them?
Pitivi 0.91 introduces new non-linear video editing back-end
by Alexandre ProkoudinePitivi non-linear video editor just got leaner thanks to swapping its back-end, and acquired quite a few useful productivity features.
What free software projects will be sponsored by Google this summer?
by Alexandre ProkoudineLast night, Google started publishing the list of mentoring organizations accepted to the Summer of Code 2013 program
Shotcut gets hardware accelerated color grading
by Alexandre ProkoudineEIf you’ve been wondering what video editor would get support for Movit’s hardware-accelerated filters that we recently covered, we have the answer for you.
Introducing Movit, free library for GPU-side video processing
by Alexandre ProkoudineEIf you’ve been wondering what video editor would get support for Movit’s hardware-accelerated filters that we recently covered, we have the answer for you.
Introducing Shotcut, a new free video editor
by Alexandre ProkoudineDan Dennedy is returning to development of a Kino-like video editor after several years of hiatus. The new project is called Shotcut.
Kdenlive 0.8.2 video editor released with major fixes
by Alexandre ProkoudineAlong with MLT a new version of Kdenlive, a free non-linear video editor for KDE, was released.
Pitivi 0.15 released, what’s next?
by Alexandre ProkoudineEarlier this week new version of PiTiVi, a free non-linear video editor, was released to bring you some rather cool new features and UI improvements.
MLT gets a video stabilizer, Kdenlive is next
by Alexandre ProkoudineThe quest of telling Kdenlive developers about an existing open source video stabilizer and getting it in Kdenlive is about 1/2 done.
Pitivi 0.14.0 brings video effects at last
by Alexandre ProkoudinePitivi team finally wrapped up and released new version of this free non-linear video editor for Linux featuring video effects — a successful Google Summer of Code 2010 project by Thibault Saunier.
Kdenlive 0.7.8 released with color analysis tools
by Alexandre ProkoudineThe Kdenlive team released new version of this cool free non-linear video editor for KDE.