
Revolutionizing garment-making in Italy with Valentina
by Alexandre Prokoudine

Here is a tailor shop in Sicily actively using Valentina for pattern design

Week recap — 7 October 2018
by Alexandre Prokoudine

New major releases of Valentina and G’MIC are available

Valentina fork settles down as Seamly2D, Valentina goes on
by Alexandre Prokoudine

Four months into a bizarre fork of Valentina, free pattern-making software for fashion designers, Susan Spencer's leg of the fork finally gets rebranded as Seamly2D.

Free garment design software Valentina 0.3 released
by Alexandre Prokoudine

New version of Valentina, free/libre pattern making software for fashion designers features improved output for cutting and design tools enhancements.

Introducing Valentina, free fashion design software
by Alexandre Prokoudine

Over the years we've been to numerous discussions about viability of free software for graphic design. But what about fashion design?