Highlights: new Inkscape and Octo4A releases, Inkscape and Blender development updates, VCV Rack 2 source code release.
Inkscape 1.1.1
The team finally released the first update to Inkscape v1.1. It comes mainly with bug fixes — a lot of them, in fact — so you’d do yourself a big favor by upgrading.
And yes, I know I’m preaching to the choir with this, but the excitement is still strong witrh Martin’s ongoing work on pages support.
In other news, Mike Kowalski made toolbars icons size and the toolbox vastly more customizable:
Customizable toolbox for @inkscape, incoming patch by Mike Kowalski, not yet in the main development branch, probably coming in Inkscape 1.2 next year @zemarmot that's the kind of zoom control you might want stealing like an artist for @GIMP_Official 😉 pic.twitter.com/famnYYTygv
— Libre Arts (@lgworld) September 28, 2021
Krita gets updated Levels filter
The team is working hard at getting Krita 5.0 ready to be released. That doesn’t mean great new features can’t sneak into the main development branch for what will become version 5.1.0. So Deif Lou took the opportunity to improve the Levels filter.
There’s some code refactoring involved, but on the UI side, changes are quite visible too. You can now edit separate channels, like R or B in RGB, and M or Y in CMYK. For RGB images, you can also tweak H and S in HSL.

And then there’s a new Auto Levels feature with settings.

Blender 3.0 news
Cycles X landed to the main development branch, which is great for everyone who wanted the rendering to complete faster. Here is a video by Gleb from a few months back:
You can learn more from preliminary release notes, as well as from this post in developers’ blog.
Throughout September, the team posted a series of updates on Google Summer of Code projects this year:
In 3rd party news, Bend Face v4.0.0 add-on has been released:
#bendface Bend Face 4.0.0 is finally released !!😄
— Kushiro (@kushirosea) September 29, 2021
- Simplified the tool, added Left-Bottom menu for rotation angle or move input
- Now you can Rotate-Extrude easily!
Using the new options "num of copies" auto create connected edge-loops
Bend Face is becoming crazy !😇#b3d pic.twitter.com/2vbDs99AU1
Massive FreeCAD update from Yorik
Yorik van Havre returned to posting updates on his FreeCaD hacking. Highlights:
- Initial Topologic integration
- A proper Hatch tool for the Draft and BIM workbenches
- BIM Leader tool to draw polylines with arrows
- You can now easily move a copy-pasted TechDraw view elsewhere
- There’s a mode selector to reorder the contents of groups in the BIM workbench now
- The BIM library tool can now import items from Grabcad
- There’s a new Style Settings panel allowing to save and load draft styles
I absolutely encourage you to read the whole thing and maybe grab a build from git to see for yourself. Any new build from ‘realthunder’ should do.

And because I feel lazy to make a new header, here is some great news from the fellow IfcOpenShell project:
IfcOpenShell can now automatically generate SVG plans and elevations from any IFC model created with the Homemaker add-on pic.twitter.com/leua8sXqsf
— Bruno Postle (@brunopostle) September 27, 2021
Octo4A 1.0
The OctoPrint Android app has finally reached v1.0 stage, which is a bit of a jump from v0.0.5 released just this March :)
- A new alpine-based bootstrap, supports Android 4.3+
- A lot of new camera settings
- Web terminal via ttyd
- A new extensions system
- More support for plugins
- Better USB configuration
- Corrupted detection installation
- Massive features polish
You can grab an APK build from GitHub (v1.0.1 now available). This is not the first Android remote control for OctoPrint, but as far as I can tell, e.g. OctoRemote is not free/libre software.
Blender VSE updates
I think this deserves its own section, at least, this time. There has been a bunch of great VSE changes lately.
Here is one:
New in Blender VSE: 32 -> 128 supported strip channels. The plan by @dfelinto is to go with 2 channels available by default expandable to "unlimited" #b3d pic.twitter.com/W1FiQAtE9F
— Libre Arts (@lgworld) September 28, 2021
Here is another one:
Transform Tools in Preview, Overwrite, Snapping and Thumbnail preview on strips are all new features which have landed in Blender #VSE 3.0 alpha. #b3d pic.twitter.com/lRGCEGQSWT
— tintwotin (@tintwotin) September 21, 2021
And then there’s this:
VSE now has ASC-CDL correction method next to Lift/Gamma/Gain in the Color Balance modifier #b3d Will be part of version 3.0 pic.twitter.com/BSKcBH4z9N
— Libre Arts (@lgworld) October 4, 2021
Bespoke Synth excitement is growing
People keep raving about Bespoke Synth while the community started contributing to the project with fixes (mostly for the build system) and minor improvements.
Here is a review from Polarity Music, it specifically covers how different some of BS’s concepts are:
More interesting uses of the synth demonstrate just how much expressive the environment is:
wow!!! really fantastic work by @ilirbajri. such a clever use of the eventcanvas module to work like a clip launcher! pic.twitter.com/RZJmCHcZSt
— Ryan Challinor @awwbees@post.lurk.org (@awwbees) September 25, 2021
I mean, how about a road runner game?
this is...
— Ryan Challinor @awwbees@post.lurk.org (@awwbees) September 22, 2021
I have no words.
UniQMG on my discord somehow built a vector-graphics driving game that draws on an oscilloscope inside of bespoke. complete with collision detection. you steer with midi. and, of course, the engine sound is synthesized with bespoke.
🤯🤯🤯 pic.twitter.com/vPR7D3I6Hg
it is all the more exciting because it looks like Ryan Challinor, the guy behind this project, developed a bad case of RSI last year which is preventing him from releasing videos that he planned for this project, and now users are pretty much doing it for him.
Also, just for the fun of it:
This guy has @vcvrack running inside Carla inside Bespoke Synth (@awwbees) inside Carla inside @Bitwig inside Carla. Now, what bloody sacrifice have _you_ brought to Droste, the fearful god of recursion? :)
— Libre Arts (@lgworld) September 30, 2021
(Spotted by Filipe Coelho over at Mastodon)https://t.co/8a44AlWLaj
VCV Rack 2 source code release
While the binary release along with the VST version is coming in November, the source code for v2 and preliminary builds from git were made available a week ago. Andrew first announced the coming source code release in the very last message in Mycelium Symposium chat on YT and then pushed the branch shortly after that.
You can fetch builds (Linux included) from the announcement post, although only default modules are available right now. There rest of some ca. 2700 of them would need porting first. Which, I feel, is the reason for the pre-release: gotta give developers something to test updated code against. Officially, Rack 2 API and ABI are unstable for the next few weeks though. But hey, still very exciting!
Rack 2.0 Community Edition and Studio Edition are expected to be released on November 6.
Audacity is getting non-destructive clip trimming
Getting major new stuff into Audacity has been taking time, but we are beginning to see the shape of what’s coming.
Now you can edit waveforms non-destructively in Audacity. Another little step in making wave editing more flexible and easy to work with.
— Tantacrul (@tantacrul.bsky.social) (@Tantacrul) September 27, 2021
Coming very soon. pic.twitter.com/SZcG9RfiZ7
And then the spectral brush, which is one of the two GSoC projects this year, is nearing completion and might become part of v3.1.0 (not guaranteed though).
Audacity's new spectral editing brush (beta).
— Tantacrul (@tantacrul.bsky.social) (@Tantacrul) October 4, 2021
Notice the option that allow you to isolate overtones. pic.twitter.com/1KGKqiD7ty
Joshua Jay Christie, Oat Distillery, Blender:

ikhimaz, Overgrown, Blender:

Philipp Urlich, a new speedpainting of a mountain valley, Krita:

attackmenicely, Altered Carbon poster, Krita

Sylvia Ritter, The Devil tarot card, Krita:

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